Dave Centeno

Professor and PhD Program DirectorUP Scientist 1 (2018-2020)
Ph.D. in Marketing, 2016, College of Business, City University of Hong Kong, Hong KongMA in Communication, 2012, College of Mass Communication, University of the PhilippinesBA in Speech Communication (magna cum laude), 2008, College of Arts and Letters, University of the Philippines, Diliman
Email: ddcenteno@up.edu.phWeb: vsb.upd.edu.ph/faculty/dave-centenoTelephone: +632 928 4571 local 2051Office: room 205-A, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Research and Publications (click here to view all)

Co, M. & Centeno (2023). Effects of Filipino Consumers’ Financial Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Perceived Behavioral Control on Intentions to Formal Banking: Towards Financial Inclusion. Philippine Management Review, 30: 15-38.
Mandagi, D., Centeno, D. & Indrajit (2022). Destination brand gestalt and its effects on brand attachment and brand loyalty. Philippine Management Review, 29: 1-24.
Centeno, D. (2021). FamilyMart Co.Ltd. and its “Asian Dream Team”. In B.P.B. Gutierrez, R. M. Lizares, & R.A. Rodriguez (eds.), Cases and Readings in International Business. pp. 299–344. UP Business Research Foundation, Inc.
Centeno, D. (2021). Jollibee International Marketing. In B.P.B. Gutierrez, R. M. Lizares, & R.A. Rodriguez (eds.), Cases and Readings in International Business. pp. 443-474. UP Business Research Foundation, Inc.
Centeno, D. & Yusoph, A. (2021). Impact of Advertisements on Philippine Financial Service Firms' Stock Returns. Philippine Management Review, 28: 25-36.
Centeno, D. (2021). How the brand–endorser origin shapes brand attitudes and purchase intentions: Assessing ethnocentric versus xenocentric mindsets and their impact on messaging persuasion. Journal of Advertising Research. DOI: 10.2501/JAR-2021-006
Mandagi, D. Centeno, D. & Indrajit (2021). Brand gestalt scale development and validation: A takeoff from tourism destination branding. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 19 (March 2021). (IF: 4.279). 
Centeno, Dave (2020). “Sweet Spot: Comparative Relativism on Filipino and South Korean Consumer Cultural Fit Dimensions”, Asian Journal of Social Science, 48: 183-223. (Web of Science SSCI-indexed; Scopus-indexed).
"Effects of narrowed social distance on local and international celebrity-endorsed advertisement attitudes". Journal of Consumer Marketing, vol 37, no. 5, pp. 521-532. Co-authored with Wang, J. (2020). (Web of Science ESCI-indexed; Scopus-indexed)
Centeno, Dave (2020). "Philippine FamilyMart" in E. Echanis, R.Rodriguez, and A. Cayanan (eds.) Cases in Corporate Governance (pp.49-118). Quezon City, Metro Manila: University of the Philippines Business Research Foundation, Inc. and Development Center for Finance.
"Governance in the University of the Philippines" in E. Echanis, R.Rodriguez, and A. Cayanan (eds.) Cases in Corporate Governance (pp.427-470). Quezon City, Metro Manila: University of the Philippines Business Research Foundation, Inc. and Development Center for Finance. Co-authored with Roman, E. (2020).
"Social Influence on Consumer Financial Product Preferences". Philippine Management Review, 25: 53-70. Co-authored with Anabo, F. (2019) 
"San Miguel Corporation: 1890-2007" in B.P. B. Gutierrez, R.A. Rodriguez, & E.S. Echanis Cases in Strategic Management (pp. 225-262). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation. 2018. Co-authored with Echanis, E.S. 
"Universal Robina Corporation International Expansion: Branded Consumer Foods" in B.P. B. Gutierrez, R.A. Rodriguez, & E.S. Echanis Cases in Strategic Management (pp. 339-372). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation. 2018. Co-authored with Echanis, E.S. 
Centeno, Dave D.G. (2018). "Social Distance, Connectedness, and Product Familiarity on Endorsement Evaluations: An Experimental Approach", Philippine Management Review, 25: 53-70.
Centeno, Dave D.G. and Wang, Jeff. (2017). Celebrities as Human Brands: A Stakeholder Inquiry on Human-Brand Identities. Journal of Business Research. 74(May 2017): 133-138.
Centeno, Dave (2017). "Social media stakeholder co-creation of celebrities as human brands". In Rishi, Bikramjit and Bandyopadhyay, Subir (eds). Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing: An International Perspective. Routledge: London UK.
Centeno, Dave D.G. (2016). Parasociality and Habitus in Celebrity Consumption and Political Culture: A Philippine Case Study” Asian Journal of Social Science. (Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index.) [Received International Publication Award from the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of the Philippines and from the UP Cesar EA Virata School of Business]
Centeno, Dave D.G. (2016). "Celebrities’ Parasocial Interaction and Relationships (PSIR): Predictor of Voting Preference towards Endorsed Political Candidates", Philippine Management Review, 23: 53-68.
Centeno, Dave D.G. (2015). "Constructing celebrities as political endorsers: parasocial acts, cultural power, and cultural capital", Philippine Political Science Journal, 36 (2): 1-23. (Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index.)
"Parasocial Memory: Consumers' Symbolic Narratives and Cultural Distinctions of Celebrities' Intimate Familiarity." In North American-Advances in Consumer Research, eds. June Cotte and Stacy Wood. MN: Association for Consumer Research. Coauthored with Wang, Jeff Jianfeng. (2014) 
"Gender Representation in Philippine Television Advertisements." Sex Roles, A Journal of Research, 69(5-6), 276-288. Coauthored with Prieler, Michael. (2013) (Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index.)
Centeno, Dave D.G. (2010). “Celebrification in Philippine Politics: Exploring the Relationship between Celebrity Endorsers' Parasociability and the Publics' Voting Behavior.” Social Science Diliman, 6(1): 66-85. (2010).
BA 101 Introduction to Management and Case Method
BA 170 Marketing Management
BA 173 Consumer Behavior
BA 178 Special Topics in Marketing (Social Marketing) 
BA 230 Marketing Management 
BA 237 Special Topics in Marketing (Social Marketing)
BA 234.1 Consumer Behavior
BA 335 (Special Topics in Marketing)