Full-Time Faculty
Professors Emeriti
Jasmin E. Acuña
Professor Emeritus
Post-doctoral work on learning disabilities, 1986, Northwestern University, Evanston, Chicago
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, 1976, University of Chicago
MS Psychology, 1971, University of the Philippines
AB Psychology (Cum laude), 1964, University of the Philippines
Email: jasmin.acuna@upd.edu.ph
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 203-A, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Indicators of Quality Performance in Tertiary Education. Education Quarterly, Vol. 64, March 2006, 58-82.
Courses Taught
BA 151 Human Behavior in Organizations
BA 152 Human Resource Management
BA 198 Special Topics in Business Administration
BA 251 Organizational Behavior
BA 252 Human Resource Management
BA 255 Organizational Development and Change Management
BA 350 Organization Theory
Carlos C. Bautista
Professor Emeritus
PhD (Econ), 1987, University of the Philippines
MA (Econ), 1984, University of the Philippines
AB (Econ), 1979, University of the Philippines
Email: bautista@up.edu.ph
Website: ccbautista.github.io
Telephone: +632 928 4571 to 75
Office: room 119, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Corporate Financial Distress: The Case of Publicly-listed Firms in an Emerging Market Economy. (2021). Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting 32(1), 5-20. (with Regina Lizares)
Determinants of Labour Force Participation in the Philippines. (2020) Malaysian Journal of Economic Studies, 57(2): 305–323, (with Regina Lizares).
Tracking the Philippine Economy Using a Macroeconometric Model. (2019). Philippine Management Review, 26: 17-30. (with Leila Rahnema)
Explaining Multidimensional Poverty: A Household Level Analysis. (2018). Asian Economic Papers 17(3), 183-210.
Multidimensional Poverty in the Philippines. (2017). VSB Working Paper No. 1702. [with results not reported in the published version]
Graduate Business Program Admission Criteria and Student Graduate Academic Performance. (2016). Philippine Management Review. (with Regina Lizares, Leila Rahnema, Mia Pang-Rey & Ivy Suan)
Income polarization in Asia. (2013). Asian Economic Papers 12(2), 101-136. (with Ma Socorro Gochoco-Bautista, Daisy Maligalig, & Noli Sotocinal)
Efficiency analysis of electric cooperatives in the Philippines. (2012). Philippine Management Review. (with Helena Agnes Valderrama)
Subjective poverty thresholds in the Philippines. (2010). Philippine Review of Economics 47(1), 147-155.
The NEDA quarterly macroeconomic model. (2009). Philippine Review of Economics 46(2), 243-260. (with Roberto Mariano & Bayani Victor Bawagan)
The determinants of bank stock returns' co-movements in East Asia. (2009). Economics Bulletin 29(3), 1596-1601. (with Philippe Rous & Amine Tarazi)
The determinants of domestic and cross border bank contagion in Southeast Asia. (2008). Revue Economique 59(6), 1215-1242. (with Philippe Rous & Amine Tarazi)
How did the Asian stock markets react to bank mergers after the 1997 Asian crisis? (2008). Pacific Economic Review 13(2), 171-182. (with Celine Crouzille & Laetitia Lepetit)
Saving-investment relationship, financial crisis and structural changes in East Asian countries. (2007). Economie Internationale 111, 81-99. (with Samuel Maveyraud-Tricoire)
The exchange rate-interest differential relationship in six East Asian countries. (2006). Economics Letters 92(1), 137-142.
External liberalization, growth and distribution in the Philippines. (2006). in Taylor, L. (editor) External Liberalization In Asia, Post-Socialist Europe, and Brazil, Oxford University Press, ch9, 267-310. (with Joseph Lim)
How volatile are East Asian Stocks during high volatility periods? (2005). Applied Economics Letters 12, 319-326.
Monetary policy and exchange market pressure: the case of the Philippines. (2005). Journal of Macroeconomics 27(1), 153-168. (with Ma Socorro Gochoco-Bautista)
Estimates of output gaps in four Southeast Asian Countries. (2003). Economics Letters 80(3), 365-371.
Stock market volatility in the Philippines. (2003). Applied Economics Letters 10, 315-318.
Interest rate-exchange rate dynamics in the Philippines: a DCC analysis. (2003). Applied Economics Letters 10, 107-111.
Erlinda S. Echanis
Professor Emeritus
DBA, 1985, University of the Philippines MBA, 1970, University of the Philippines
BSBAA (cum laude), 1966, University of the Philippines
Email: erlinda.echanis@gmail.com
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 115-C, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Co-authored with Cayanan, A. Meralco in A.S. Cayanan, C.R. Estrella & H.A. S. Valderrama Cases in Risk Management in the Philippines (pp. 603-638). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation and Development Center for Finance, Inc. 2023.
Co-authored with Yusoph, A. Ayala Land Inc. and Bank of the Philippine Islands in A.S. Cayanan, C.R. Estrella & H.A. S. Valderrama Cases in Risk Management in the Philippines (pp. 1-38). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation and Development Center for Finance, Inc. 2023.
Chapter 11 Philippine Airlines: Crash Landing? Cases and Readings in International Business, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2021, pages 503-536
Chapter 5 Philippine Airlines. Cases in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc.and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 185-210
Chapter 1 The Philippine Property Sector in the 1990s: Metro Pacific Investments Corporation; Philippine Realty and Holdings Corporation; C&P Homes, Inc. Cases in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc.and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 1-48
Chapter 9 San Miguel Corporation in the New Millenium. Cases in Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2018, pages 263-296
Co-authored with Centeno, D. San Miguel Corporation: 1890-2007 in B.P. B. Gutierrez, R.A. Rodriguez, & E.S. Echanis Cases in Strategic Management (pp. 225-262). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation. 2018.
Co-authored with Centeno, D. Universal Robina Corporation International Expansion: Branded Consumer Foods in B.P. B. Gutierrez, R.A. Rodriguez, & E.S. Echanis Cases in Strategic Management (pp. 339-372). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation. 2018.
Chapter 19 Conflict, Power and Politics in Organizations, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 359-374
Chapter 17 Stock Options: An Incentive Compensation Scheme for Managers, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 305-320
Chapter 18 Organizational Performance Measures, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 287-304
Chapter 16 Redesigning Business Models and Reengineering Business Processes, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 245-258
Chapter 15 Strategies for International Expansion, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 231-244
Chapter 14 Holding Companies: A Structure for Managing Diversification, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 213-230
Chapter 12 Strategy Implementation Concerns of the General Manager/Chief Executive Officer, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 179-194
Holding Companies: A Structure for Managing Diversification. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 16, 2009.
Co-author, Corporate Finance: Text & Philippine Cases, Second Edition, eds. R. C. Ybanez and A. R. Ilano. Manila: Development Center for Finance, 2009.
Co-authored with R. Rodriguez, Fundamentals of Management: Text and Philippines Cases, Fifth Edition. Mandaluyong: Diwata Publishing, Inc., 2008.
Philippine Corporate Governance: Issues and Reforms. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 13, 2006.
Issues on Revenue Recognition Practices of Selected Philippine Credit Card Companies. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 11, 2004.
Budgeting Reforms in the University of the Philippines in Managing a Modern University, ed. E. Garcia. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2004.
Commercialization of the Commonwealth Property in UP Diliman: A Financial Analysis in Managing a Modern University, ed. E. Garcia. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2004.
Co-author, Investment Management and the Philippine Stock Market (1st & 2nd Editions), in A. R. Ilano, R. S. Mariano & R. C. Ybanez (ed.). Manila: Development Center for Finance, FINEX Research and Development Foundation, Inc. and Asian Securities Industry Institute, 2003 & 1995. (winner: Manila Critics Circle 1995 National Book Award for Business and Economics, and UP Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Gawad Chancellor Award for Best Book).
Epictetus E. Patalinghug
Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, 1977, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Certificate in Demography, 1974, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
A.B. Economics (cum laude), 1970, University of San Carlos
Email: e.patalinghug@gmail.com
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 205-D, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
An Assessment of the Infrastructure Program of the Duterte Administration. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 31, 2024.
Crime Rates and Labor Market Opportunities in the Philippines: 1970-2008. Economics Letters, Vol. 113, Issue 2, 2011.
Identifying the Link Between Unemployment and Crime in the Philippines. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, Vol. 33, No. 1, 2009.
Policy Options for Financing the Future Health and Long-Term Care Costs in Japan: Some Comments in Fiscal Policy and Management, NBER-EASE Volume 15, Takaroshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007.
The Microfinance Promise: The Philippine Experience in Entrepreneurship and Development - Local Processes and Global Patterns, Irene Johansson (ed.). Trollhatan, Sweden: University West, 2006.
Editor (with Polly Sy), Philippine Management Review, Vol. 11, 2004.
An Analysis of the Philippine Electric Power Industry in Analysis of Selected Philippine Industries, Vol. 1, R. Rodriguez & M. Albarracin (eds.). Quezon City: UP Press, 2005.
GATT/WTO Accessions and Economic Performance: Evidence from the World, 1960-1998, Some Comments in Productivity, NBER-EASE Vol. 13, Takaroshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Bankruptcy Policy Reform and Total Factor Productivity Dynamics in Korea: Evidence from Micro Data, Some Comments in Productivity, NBER-EASE Vol 13, Takaroshi Ito and Andrew K. Rose (eds.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Trade and Industry: Alternative Views and Assessments in Alternative Views and Assessments of the Macapagal-Arroyo Presidency and Administration: Record and Legacy (2001-2004), Jose V. Abueva, et al. (eds.). Quezon City: UP Press, 2004.
Co-authored with Tai-Wue Wang, Elvira A. Zamora, Serafin D. Talisayon, Vivien T. Supangco and Ben Paul B. Gutierrez, A Research Framework for Evaluating the Competitiveness of Developing Countries: An Example of the Philippines. Asia Pacific Management Review. Vol. 9, No. 2, 2004.
Courses Taught
BA 201 Economic Analysis
BA 203 Managerial Economics
BA 262 International Finance
BA 298 Industry and Competitive Analysis
BA 392 Regulation & Public Policy
MSFIN 201 Macroeconomics and the Financial System
MSFIN 227 International Finance
MSFIN 296 Financial Sector Regulation and Ethics
MSFIN 299 Financial Research
Rafael A. Rodriguez
Professor Emeritus
Completed all requirements except dissertation in the DBA Program, 1969, Harvard University
Certificate, International Teachers Program, 1966, Graduate School of Business, Harvard University
Certificate, International Center for Advancement of Management Education Program, 1965, Stanford University
MBA, 1965, University of the Philippines
BSBA (cum laude), 1962, University of the Philippines
Email: rafaelrodr@gmail.com
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 115, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Chapter 6 Megawide Construction Corporation in A.S. Cayanan, C.R. Estrella & H.A. S. Valderrama Cases in Risk Management in the Philippines (pp. 241-294). Quezon City, Philippines: UP Business Research Foundation and Development Center for Finance, Inc. 2023.
Co-authored with Gutierrez, Ben Paul B., Chapter 2 Emperador, Inc.. Cases and Readings in International Business, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2021, pages 73-144
Co-authored with Cayanan, Arthur S., Chapter 8 Succession at PLDT. Cases in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc. and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 269-300
Co-authored with Cayanan, Arthur S., Chapter 3 Liberty Telecom. Cases in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc. and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 119-14
Co-authored with Chua Bun Pho, Debbie, Chapter 6 Profile of Independent Directors in Selected Philippine Publicly Listed Companies by Sector. Readings in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc. and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 145-182
Chapter 10 Integrated Microelectronics, Inc. Cases in Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2018, pages 297-310
Chapter 6 Vista Land (A) & (B). Cases in Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2018, pages 183-194
Co-authored with Cayanan, Arthur S., Chapter 4 DoubleDragon Properities Corp. Cases in Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2018, pages 103-132
Chapter 20 Corporate Culture. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 321-334
Chapter 9 Issues on Philippine National Competitiveness. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 129-142
Co-authored with Gutierrez, Ben Paul B., Chapter 8 Diversification Strategies of Large Business Groups in the Philippines. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 91-128
Co-authored with Sandoval, Benjamin C., Chapter 7 Foreign Diversification of Philippine Firms. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 75-90
Chapter 6 Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 67-74
Chapter 5 A Survey of Strategic Planning Practices. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 51-66
Chapter 4 The Evolution of Strategic Planning, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 43-50
Chapter 3 Two Views on Firm Strategy. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 37-42
Co-authored with Sandoval, Benjamin C. Foreign Diversification of Philippine Firms. Philippine Management Review, vol. 23, 17-26, 2016.
Co-authored with Gutierrez, Ben Paul B. Diversification Strategies of Large Business Groups in the Philippines. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 20, 2013.
A Survey on Dispute Incidence and Resolution in Small and Medium Enterprises. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 17, 2010.
Co-authored with E. Echanis, Fundamentals of Management: Text and Philippines Cases, Fifth Edition. Mandaluyong: Diwata Publishing, Inc., 2008.
Co-editor with G. Tecson, Philippine Management Review, Vol. 14, 2007.
Co-editor with M. Albarracin, Analysis of Selected Philippine Industries, Vol. 1. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2005.
A Note on Applying Strategic Management Concepts in Educational Institutions in Managing a Modern University, ed. E. Garcia. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press, 2004.
Co-authored with B. Aragon and R. Jacinto, The Macroeconomics Environment and Industry Analysis in Investment Management and the Philippine Stock Market (1st and 2nd eds.), eds. Alberto R. Ilano, Robert S. Mariano and Roy C. Ybanez. Manila: Development Center for Finance and FINEX Research and Development Foundation, Inc., 1995 & 2003.
Courses Taught
BA 221 Management Control Systems
BA 291.1 Strategic Management I
BA 291.2 Strategic Management I
Emerlinda R. Roman
Professor Emeritus
DBA, 1989, University of the Philippines
M Agri Business, 1977, University of the Philippines
BS Agriculture, 1972, University of the Philippines, Los Baños
Email: erroman@up.edu.ph
Website: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerlinda_R._Roman
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 119, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Co-authored with Centeno, Dave D., Chapter 13 Governance in the University of the Philippines. Cases in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc. and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 427-470
Chapter 11 Building a Business Empire. Cases in Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2018, pages 311-338
Chapter 24 Power, Politics and Conflict and their Impact on Organization’s Strategy: Three Case Studies. Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 375-390
Chapter 21 Descriptions of Corporate Cultures in Some Well-Known Companies: Global and Local, Readings on Strategic Management, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc., 2016, pages 335-346
Strategic Faculty Resource Management in a State University in Managing a Modern University, ed. E. Garcia. Quezon City: UP Press, 2004.
Editor, Cases on Strategic Management in the Philippine Setting. Quezon City: UP Press, 2003.
Management Control Process: Reward and Compensation System in Management Accounting and Control: Text and Philippine Cases, eds. Erlinda S. Echanis, Rafael A. Rodriguez and Manuel A. Tipgos, 325-355. Manila: Development Center for Finance, FINEX Research and Development Foundation, Inc. and FINEX-PACSB-CB-FUND, 2002.
Human Resource Management Practices in the Philippines. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 7, 1997-1998.
Co-authored with R. A. Rodriguez, E. S. Echanis, E. Pineda and T. Sicat, Management Control in Chinese-Filipino Business Enterprises. Quezon City: UP Press, 1996.
Co-authored with J. Acuna, Values Orientations in Selected Filipino Work Groups. Philippine Management Review, Vol. 5, 1994.
Lina J. Valcarcel
Professor Emeritus
DBA,1984, University of the Philippines
Masters of Commerce (Honours),1974, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
MBA,1970, University of the Philippines
BSBA,1960, University of the Philippines
Email: lina.valcarcel@upd.edu.ph
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 119-F, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Social Security System: Quo Vadis? Philippine Management Review, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2005.
Co-author with Demelinda U. Lagunzad, Industry on Pension Funds in Analysis of Selected Philippine Industries, Vol. 1, R. Rodriguez & M. Albarracin (eds.). Quezon City: UP Press, 2005.
The Accountancy Profession in the Philippines. Asian Accounting Handbook 2004, 2004.
Roy C. Ybañez
MA (Economics), 1975, University of the Philippines
AB (Economics), 1972, University of San Carlos, Cebu
Email: roy.ybanez@upd.edu.ph
Telephone: +632 8928 4571 to 75
Office: Room 115, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Recent Publications
Co-editor and writer of chapters in the Corporate Finance: Text and Philippine Cases, Vol. 1, 2nd Edition. Manila: Development Center for Finance, 2009.
Co-editor and writer of chapters on The Valuation of Common Stock and Portfolio Management in the Investment Management and the Philippine Stock Market (2nd Ed.). Manila: Development Center for Finance and the FINEX Research and Development Foundation, Inc., 2003.
Co-authored with C. Guantes, Capital Budgeting. in E. Echanis, R. Rodriguez & M. Tipgos (editors). Management Accounting and Control: Text and Philippine Cases. Manila: Development Center for Finance, FINEX Research and Development Foundation, Inc. and FINEX-PACSB-CB-FUND, 2002.
Return Rates on Financial Assets in the Philippines, 1987-2000. BusinessWorld, January 4-5, 2002.