Mia Pang-Rey

Associate Professor
PhD (Mathematics), 2006, University of the PhilippinesMS (Applied Mathematics), 1992, University of the PhilippinesBS (Mathematics), 1989, University of the Philippines
Email: mprey@up.edu.phWeb: vsb.upd.edu.ph/faculty/mia-pang-reyTelephone: +632 928 4571 to 75Office: room 209-A, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Research and Publications (click here to view all)

Health Benefit Utilization and Out-of-Pocket Expenses in Outpatient Care and Hospitalizations: Baseline Surveys of Three Primary Care Sites in the Philippines", Acta Medica Philippina, 2024. (Co-authored with Dans LF, Marfori JRA, De Mesa RYH, Galingana CLT, Fabian NMC, Sanchez JT, Catabui JT, Sundiang NB, Paterno RPP, Co EEA, Tan-Lim CSC, Dans AML)
Frequency Distribution of Pediatric Primary Care Cases in a Rural Site in The Philippines: A Cross-Sectional Study", Acta Medica Philippina, 2023. (Co-authored with Dorado JMB, Dans LF, Tan-Lim CSC, Galingana CLT, Panganiban JMS, Sanchez JT, Zabala HS, Aquino MRN, Dans AL)
Turnaround Time of Consults in a Primary Care System in Rural Philippines: A Descriptive Retrospective Cohort Study", Acta Medica Philippina, 2023. (Co-authored with Barbadillo AFP, Dans LF, Tan-Lim CSC, Galingana CLT, Sanchez JT, Aquino MRN, Amit AML, De Mesa RYH, Panganiban JMS, Poblete KEE, Sundiang NB, Dans AL)
Pediatric Conditions and Platforms of Telemedicine Used in Philippine Primary Care: A Cross-sectional Study", Acta Medica Philippina, 2023. (Co-authored with Lahoz ACF, Dans LF, Tan-Lim CSC, Tomas ACV, Galingana CLT, Sanchez JT, Aquino MRN, Amit AML, Panganiban JMS, Dans AL)
“Manila International Airlines", Chapter 11, in A. S. Cayanan, C. R. Estrella, & H. S. Valderrama (eds.). Cases in Risk Management in the Philippines, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc. & Development Center for Finance, 2023, pages 409-426. (Co-authored with Ivy DC. Suan)
“Vistaland (C)", Chapter 16, Cases in Corporate Governance, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc.and Development Center for Finance, Inc., 2019, pages 557-602. (Co-authored with Frias, Kristina Paola P., Suan, Ivy DC)
"Graduate Business Program Admission Criteria and Student Graduate Academic Performance," Philippine Management Review, Vol. 24, 2017. (Co-authored with Lizares R, Rahnema L, Suan I, C Bautista)
"Microinsurance Program for Trade Union Members in Cambodia: Pricing and Financial Projections,"Philippine Management Review, Vol. 15, 2008. (Co-authored with Ivy D. Suan & Rainier Almazan)
"Designing a Microinsurance Program for Trade Union Members in Cambodia," Philippine Management Review, Vol. 14, 2007. (Co-authored with Ivy D. Suan & Rainier Almazan)
"Approximating the Distribution of Functions in Poisson Binomial by Chen-Stein Method," The Philippine Statistician, Vol. 56, Nos. 3-4, 2007.