Mikhael Anjelu Magana
Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Programs Director
BSBAA (Cum Laude), 2015, University of the PhilippinesMS Finance, 2019, University of the Philippines
Email: mbmagana@up.edu.phWeb: vsb.upd.edu.ph/faculty/mikhael-anjelu-maganaTelephone: +632 928 4571 to 75Office: room 201-A, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
BSBAA (Cum Laude), 2015, University of the PhilippinesMS Finance, 2019, University of the Philippines
Email: mbmagana@up.edu.phWeb: vsb.upd.edu.ph/faculty/mikhael-anjelu-maganaTelephone: +632 928 4571 to 75Office: room 201-A, VSB Building, UP Diliman Campus
Research and Publications (click here to view all)
“Philex Mining Corporation", Chapter 13, in A. S. Cayanan, C. R. Estrella, & H. S. Valderrama (eds.). Cases in Risk Management in the Philippines, UP Business Research Foundation, Inc. & Development Center for Finance, 2023, pages 441-488.